Sustainable Style: Trend or Movement? What do Students Think

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I had a chance this past April to swing by the Cornell Textiles & Fashion School and give a talk on sustainable fashion. Students are a good gauge as to how information is being dispersed and what effect it is having because they are more informed than the average person, but the information is obtained in drastically different ways.

How did they read sustainability in the press?

Answer: As a trend.

It wasn't clear for the majority of them that "sustainability" was something that would be here season-to-season. They commented that how it is written about in the press makes it "feel" like a trend, more than something that is here to stay.

There you have it journalists: Now you got to start addressing the fact that this is a valid movement in the textiles and apparel industry.

For the fashionistas: I'm wearing AOI, which is a recycled kimono double-cuff jacket with an organic cotton "LOVE" tee by Katharine Hamnett.

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